In a better sense the transition from college life  or  post secondary education to career setting, may come off a little tragic.

From college where your parents help with your loans, send your care packs, and random money on occasion to seeking for your own  can come off a little intimidating.

Trust me I know from pa-rentals helping to pay from things to paying your pills by yourself.

But you’re here now.

You took the leap.

Now it’s sink or swim.

We can achieve what we set our minds to or just get whatever comes to us.

Sometimes we can obtain our dream career now. Sometimes we can’t. If you don’t get the dream career don’t sweat it. Don’t feel like you’re defeated use the time to help develop skill sets that will better qualify you for it in the future.

We have the opportunity to build our careers.

We are in our twenties that’s what it’s for.

Messed up, fall down, get back up, and start all over.

Pick a career, start it, or pick another career.

Careers don’t have to be lifelong like our grandparents anymore.

Saving is key.

Budgeting is way harder.

These are all things I learned and still learning about myself and life.

I hope I was able to provide you guys with any insight.

Love you all and oh yeah don’t forget to tune in for my next post “Dating, Flaws, and all” <3.